KYROS incorporates new devices that make customers control and manage the driving mode of their fleets and vehicles. It reduces CO2 emissions, as well as saving in fuel consumption up to 15%. Consequently, end-of-life of a vehicle extends.

In KYROS customers can check some vehicle features such as engine revolutions, fuel consumptions, travelled distances and routes…. Once all this information is processed by the system, users will be able to receive notifications of accelerations, braking, abrupt turn, over-revolutions, emergency stop,….

Here are some guidelines in order to improve driving mode and save costs.

  1. Ignition and starting of vehicle:
    • Start the engine without stepping on the gas pedal.
    • In gasoline engines, it is important to start just immediately after ignition.
    • In diesel engines, wait few seconds before starting.
  2. Go first gear:
    • Only use first gear at the beginning of start; then change to the 2nd after 2 seconds or 6 meters approximately.
  3. Acceleration and gear switching:
    • According to revolutions:
      • In gasoline engines: between 2.000 y 2.500 RPM
      • In diesel engines: between las 1.500 y 2.000 RPM
    • According to speed:
      • Switch to second gear: after 2 seconds or 6 meters.
      • Switch to third gear: from 30km/h approximately.
      • Switch to fourth gear: from 40km/h approximately.
      • Switch to fifth gear: over 50km/h.
    • Accelerate after switching gear.
  4. Gears use:
    • Drive as much as possible using high gears and low revolutions.
    • It is advisable to drive in high gears stepping firmly the gas pedal than in low gears with the gas pedal not firmly pressed.
    • In cities, use fourth or fifth gear whenever possible.
    • The vehicle consumes less fuel in high gears and low revolutions. For example, a small engine capacity (1, 2 litters), driving at 60 km/h:
      • In third gear, it consumes 7, 1 litters gasoline.
      • In fourth gear, it consumes 6, 3 litters (11% less).
      • In fifth gear, it consumes 6 litters (15% less).
  5. Running speed:
    • Maintain your speed as constant as possible; looking for flow traffic, avoiding braking, accelerations and unnecessary switching changes of gear.
    • Moderate speed: fuel consumption increases in terms of speed squared. Speed boost up to 20% (going from 100 to 120km/h) means an increase of 44% in fuel consumption (from 8 litters/100 km to 11.5 litters/100 km).
  6. Deceleration:
    • Lift foot off gas pedal and leave vehicle running with gear switched at that moment.
    • Brake softly with brake pedal.
    • Reduce gear as late as possible, specially descending.
  7. Turning off:
    • As long as speed and distance allows, it is important to turn off the vehicle without reducing gear previously.
  8. Stops:
    • In long stops (over 60 seconds), it is advisable to stop de engine.
  9. Anticipation and foresight:
    • Always drive leaving security distance between vehicles and maintain a field of vision enough to see two or more vehicles ahead.
    • As soon as we detect an obstacle or speed traffic reduction, lift foot off gas pedal to anticipate for special manoeuvres.
  10. Security:
    • Mostly, applying efficient eco-driving guidelines contributes to increase road safety.
    • Obviously, some circumstances require different specific actions, so security is not affected.

Moreover, ¡driving with any gear, without pressing gas pedal, over 1.500 revolutions or at 20 km/h, there is no fuel consumption.